Does CDIC have enough money to cover all insured deposits in the event of a member institution failure?.Has a Canadian financial institution ever actually failed?.Does CDIC coverage of $100,000 include principal and interest?.If my financial institution fails, do I still have access to my deposits? Can I deposit, cash or write a cheque on my account at the failed member institution?.When and how would I get my money in a reimbursement of insured deposits (payout)?.In the event of a failure, do I need to file a claim with CDIC to get my money?.You can also follow us on social media for regular updates and information about deposit protection. Still have more questions? Contact us by telephone at 1-80 or by email. Didn’t find the answer to your question on our pages? We’ve compiled a list of questions we’re most commonly asked by Canadians about member institution failures and published them along with our answers here.